Its back.. Yes.. Its back. I am talking about the stupid flu.. After so long... I have been having this silly flu for the past 2 weeks... or rather should I say since I moved into the new place.. Arghh..... Shucks! I hate it!
What's wrong with me?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Car Mechanic
Got quite a bad shock when I was told that I will need to pay $490 for my car repair. The guy initially promised $320 MAX and did not even call me when the price turn out to be so high. I spoke to a few of my friends for advice and different people gave different opinions about it. I came out with the one that I felt the most reasonable and went ahead with it. I told the guy that I wouldn't be able to pay him that amount and since I did initially told him that my budget was $400.. I can only pay him that. Honestly, he is a nice elderly man and did not change his attitude after I told him that. He accepted the sum and told me that he wouldn't be making any money out of it. I felt bad but that's what I can offer. He shared about his life experiences with me on how he went to the states and started racing. He won quite a few cups and continued travelling to Canada and Europe. Just before I was about to leave, he showed me the pups of his beautiful Cockel Spaniel.. Pedigree.. I am so in love with it.. So beautiful..! So adorable.. Must be the weather. They look so "Nua" in Singapore.. sigh!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
to church
I tried hard... really hard.. Called up Brent, Greg, Angelia and Sameh but to no avail. I thought I will just called it a rest day and read my bible by myself on a sunday morning. I will conduct my own service. Nevertheless, I gave a Victor a call, knowing that I shouldn't bother him cause he has a 9 month old son. And of course, he came and picked me up. During the praise session, I couldn't hold back my tears and begin weeping. All the burden and trouble that bottled up recently begin to empty itself as I sang praises to God. My heart was overjoyed and my tears; an expression of the grace and love He had for me. It felt funny....though it had happened upteem times. The burdens were flowing up one way and His love in the other. Scientifically, it is known as exhalent and inhalent.
When I came back.. I was determined to get my room unpacked and tidy up. Finally, I have done it and I did a fare bit of research tonight. I'm almost ready to type my assignment tomorrow.. Just a bit more information will do.. !! Oh Lord.. !
When I came back.. I was determined to get my room unpacked and tidy up. Finally, I have done it and I did a fare bit of research tonight. I'm almost ready to type my assignment tomorrow.. Just a bit more information will do.. !! Oh Lord.. !
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's first week and we already have 4 assignments. 2 due next week and the other 2 the following week. What's the rush? Why does UTAS have longer school term and shorter holidays as compared to other Universities in Australia? What difference will it make to the reputation of the school? Arghhh.... SO much stuff to do.. so little time. I am overwhelmed.. Guys... pls pray!
On a happier note, today's practical session was really interesting. We get to observe egg stripping and milting of Rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss. The eggs were orange in colour and the milt (sperms of the fish) were whitish. We also get to see the extraction of milt from the gonads of neomales (Females that expressed male characteristics through hormone treatment) Neomales lack a sperm duct and the only way to extract the sperm was to extract the gonads and slice it apart in order for the milt to be released. The eggs and milt were then mixed together to allow fertilization. Fertilized eggs were mixed with water and allowed to harden for 10 minutes before they are placed in the incubator.
Yeah.. miss out a point.. Before mixing the milt with the eggs. We are suppose to test the viability of the milt by mixing the milt with some ovarian liquid before looking at it under the microscope. It was really interesting, cause the initial milt just look like powder under the microscope. Upon adding the ovarian liquid, the sperm cells spring into life and begin moving. You can literally see the white dots moving in spirals.. Amazing!!!
Ok.. enough of updates..
Guys.. pls keep me in prayer.. and ask God to help me to pull through these few weeks. The house is almost done apart from my room and the some part of Er Li's room and the living room. I still have not unpack most of my stuff.. and it is still in a "War-torn" state. My car is down and I will need to send it for repair tomorrow. Pls pray for cheap and good price. My assignments are due next week.. Pls pray that I will be able to finish it .....
On a happier note, today's practical session was really interesting. We get to observe egg stripping and milting of Rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss. The eggs were orange in colour and the milt (sperms of the fish) were whitish. We also get to see the extraction of milt from the gonads of neomales (Females that expressed male characteristics through hormone treatment) Neomales lack a sperm duct and the only way to extract the sperm was to extract the gonads and slice it apart in order for the milt to be released. The eggs and milt were then mixed together to allow fertilization. Fertilized eggs were mixed with water and allowed to harden for 10 minutes before they are placed in the incubator.
Yeah.. miss out a point.. Before mixing the milt with the eggs. We are suppose to test the viability of the milt by mixing the milt with some ovarian liquid before looking at it under the microscope. It was really interesting, cause the initial milt just look like powder under the microscope. Upon adding the ovarian liquid, the sperm cells spring into life and begin moving. You can literally see the white dots moving in spirals.. Amazing!!!
Ok.. enough of updates..
Guys.. pls keep me in prayer.. and ask God to help me to pull through these few weeks. The house is almost done apart from my room and the some part of Er Li's room and the living room. I still have not unpack most of my stuff.. and it is still in a "War-torn" state. My car is down and I will need to send it for repair tomorrow. Pls pray for cheap and good price. My assignments are due next week.. Pls pray that I will be able to finish it .....
Monday, July 16, 2007
Some how... my car is working now.. and doesn't produce the sound anymore. Pls pray that it will be working all the way..So that I wouldn't need to fix it anymore.
And.. Thank God! My house internet connection is up! Hurray!
And.. Thank God! My house internet connection is up! Hurray!
I have moved but the house is not completed yet. So much things to do.. My room is in a mess and I have not unpacked. Not much things to say. My car went cranky and I was told that I need to change the gear box by RACT. Trying to find the cheapest mechanic. Arghh.... Its costly..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Yeah..Praise God!
I thank God for good results! Simply overjoyed! It came as a surprise cause I felt that I didn't fare that well for the final paper. Straight High distinctions!! Yipee.. Glory goes to Him!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Went fishing!
Went fishing today.. Geeeee. This is not my first time fishing in Tassie but my first time catching one, infact not one but two. Its amazing..Usually I don't get any fish. We usually have 2 titles.."Man/Woman of the day" title and the "largest fish" title. My first fish is a female wrasse and is the biggest fish our group had ever caught so far. It was reallie huge and I was so afraid that the thread will snap. Hahaa.. I took some photos with my friend's camera and will upload them when she pass it to me. My next fish was a flathead, one of the more common fish that you will get in Tassie.
Er li and I was invited for hot pot (steam boat) dinner by the MYF (Malaysian Youth fellowship, a Methodist Christian fellowship) I was abit reluctant to go initially, knowing that most of them will be Malaysians. It turns out that I am the only Singaporean present though there were some HongKongers too. There were speaking Cantonese most of the time until 2 of my malaysian friends started bursting out in laughter. The next thing I know is that everyone was looking at me and I was really puzzled. So I started asking my Malaysian friends what happened? They told me that the girls said that I look like some actor and started questioning me whether anyone said I look like one? I didn't really know how to reply and didn't want to have any affliation with any actors as such so I just told them that people said I look like Bryan Wong. Hahaa. Thank God! They don't know who Bryan Wong and couldn't carry on the conversation. They then switched to guessing my age and started to clap their hands and cheer when they knew my age. I got puzzled again and asked my friend what they are speaking about. My friend said that there were just guessing how old am I and one of them got it right! I felt so pai sei la.. and you can expect all the expressions of the guys around me. They were like so sian and dumbfolded la.. Diao..
I quickly switched topic to Er Li and got them to talk about him instead.
Er li and I was invited for hot pot (steam boat) dinner by the MYF (Malaysian Youth fellowship, a Methodist Christian fellowship) I was abit reluctant to go initially, knowing that most of them will be Malaysians. It turns out that I am the only Singaporean present though there were some HongKongers too. There were speaking Cantonese most of the time until 2 of my malaysian friends started bursting out in laughter. The next thing I know is that everyone was looking at me and I was really puzzled. So I started asking my Malaysian friends what happened? They told me that the girls said that I look like some actor and started questioning me whether anyone said I look like one? I didn't really know how to reply and didn't want to have any affliation with any actors as such so I just told them that people said I look like Bryan Wong. Hahaa. Thank God! They don't know who Bryan Wong and couldn't carry on the conversation. They then switched to guessing my age and started to clap their hands and cheer when they knew my age. I got puzzled again and asked my friend what they are speaking about. My friend said that there were just guessing how old am I and one of them got it right! I felt so pai sei la.. and you can expect all the expressions of the guys around me. They were like so sian and dumbfolded la.. Diao..
I quickly switched topic to Er Li and got them to talk about him instead.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I am touched
Well... I must admit that I am really touched by my landlord. I happen to be sending one of my friend back to her home and drove past my future house. The brightly lighted background caught my attention as I saw a figure at the back yard finishing up the room at around 10.40pm. My heart was overwhelmed with the effort that he is putting in. I guess I am easily touched and can be over grateful to people. Its just my nature. I've decided that I will take the smaller room.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Moving or not moving
Yes.. Thank you guys for keeping me in prayers. Life after exams don't seem to be any better than before. It has been a rough road with all the difficulties in moving house and all. I was supposed to move at the end of June but was told that I will need to wait for another week or so.
I managed to catch the landlord in the house today (he had not answered my call nor reply my sms) He was working really hard was busying trying to do up the house. He explained that he had paid up his friend who is suppose to complete the renovation. (I have seen this friend before) However, this friend of his took the money and was taking his own sweet time in completing the house. He explained that the friend of his is undergoing some sort of marriage break down problem. The landlord had engaged external builders in completing the house and promise that the house will be ready by next Thursday.
I managed to catch the landlord in the house today (he had not answered my call nor reply my sms) He was working really hard was busying trying to do up the house. He explained that he had paid up his friend who is suppose to complete the renovation. (I have seen this friend before) However, this friend of his took the money and was taking his own sweet time in completing the house. He explained that the friend of his is undergoing some sort of marriage break down problem. The landlord had engaged external builders in completing the house and promise that the house will be ready by next Thursday.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Found my key
Yeah.. Praise God! The accommodation office found my car key today..
On a sad note, I was told that I can't move into my new place till this sunday. My senses tells me that the house wouldn't be ready till then.
On a sad note, I was told that I can't move into my new place till this sunday. My senses tells me that the house wouldn't be ready till then.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Cradle Mountain
As promised, here are the photos for the Cradle mountain trip. Enjoy!

The lake was froze up and the guys wanted to take picture with the ice.

And they slammed it:

Frozen lake:

A closer look:

I stand in awe of Him who created this:

Thought this picture looks abit like "Bridge to Terabithia" ... hahaa.

Wombat nest:

There you go.. the bridge:

Great Beriton (Spelling?) Lake:

Tasmazia (Claimed to be the world's largest maze)

Dwarf Land:

Yeah!Baby.. This is so right!

And this is for Jowena:

Yeah.. you are getting it.. Its the 3 bears home..

The stairs leading to their bedroom:

Their bedroom:

Sheifield.. Town of murals:

Nope.. I did not take any picture of the murals. Didn't like them. :P
But I got the secret recipe for Kickapoo...

And the bus that took us around..

Almost forgot.. Some group photos..
At Cradle mountain:

At Tasmazia:

A video at the maze (Taken by Norainee) Guest appearance by me at the end of the video: Turn up your volume and double click on it to view it.
The lake was froze up and the guys wanted to take picture with the ice.
And they slammed it:
Frozen lake:
A closer look:
I stand in awe of Him who created this:
Thought this picture looks abit like "Bridge to Terabithia" ... hahaa.
Wombat nest:
There you go.. the bridge:
Great Beriton (Spelling?) Lake:
Tasmazia (Claimed to be the world's largest maze)
Dwarf Land:
Yeah!Baby.. This is so right!
And this is for Jowena:
Yeah.. you are getting it.. Its the 3 bears home..
The stairs leading to their bedroom:
Their bedroom:
Sheifield.. Town of murals:
Nope.. I did not take any picture of the murals. Didn't like them. :P
But I got the secret recipe for Kickapoo...
And the bus that took us around..
Almost forgot.. Some group photos..
At Cradle mountain:
At Tasmazia:
A video at the maze (Taken by Norainee) Guest appearance by me at the end of the video: Turn up your volume and double click on it to view it.
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