Yeah.. Praise God..I finally passed my driving test.. Sigh.. After so much questioning and anguish. It has been close to a year and there many times when I questioned God on why I kept failing my test. I guess He has his reasons for it.. In His time.. In His time.... He makes all things beautiful in His time..
Ok.. here's some details on my test. hahaha..
I went to the test centre with Sarah and Seki. Upon reaching the counter, I saw the familar face that failed me the past 2 times. Arghhh.. I was reluctant to move forward and waited to see whether there will be any other testers coming. Ahhhhh.. I was supposed to report 15 minutes earlier but I waited till it was 2 mins before the test. I reluctantly walked forward and greeted him. He grined and said sheeplishly " Hi.. How are you? It has been a long time since I last saw you". In my heart I was like " Shit.. How come he remember me..!! Arghhh". But I smiled and replied.." Yeah.. I just finished my major exams yesterday". :)
Well... we walked to the car and he looked at my car and said.. "Its the same car again???" I agreed and said " Yeah... It is.. I know its a lousy car but I will be changing it next year" .. He replied "Fair enough".
We hit the road and went on our way. Throughout the journey.. He was ticking and crossing on the evaluation sheet and I had to keep telling myself.. "Dun bother" Just drive.. * Tension.
And then there goes my car again... All the "Cricket" sound and "Hungry Dinosaur" started like a prehistoric Symphonic and I could sense he was abit annoyed and irritated. He bought me to this really steep and long slope.. I think 3 times as steep as what you can get in Singapore driving circuit.. As my car move upwards in gear 2.. It started to clutter... * A sign of wrong gear selection. I moved down to gear 1 and it started to drag and screech.. Arghhhhhhhhhh..And no.. I didn't hold on to the clutch so it is not the clutch problem. It's the car problem.. Anyway, I swap to gear 2 again and it started cluttering which of course gives me no choice but to move down to gear 1 again. hahaa..
At the parallel parking station, he commented that I parked my car like a monster on the road.. I think he was just exaggerating la.. Not so bad la.. Just not close enough to the curb and not as parallel. hahaa..
Anyway.. After the whole test.. I was really apprehensive. I was like praying.. " God.. pls.. help me to pass".. cause he was like giving me crossess all over.. Oh.. no... then I tried to defend myself and gave excuses.. Eventually.. He said.. I passed and I was like " Haaahhhhhhhhhhh" in my super high pitch falsetto voice. Hahaha.. And He stretch out his hand and congratulated me.. ....He told me "See you on the road sometimes but make sure you behave yourself.. Hahaa.. I told him I will..
Hehee. After the whole test, I had this terrible gastric pain and I had to eat up 5 pieces of Mylanta.. (gastric sweet). We went to charcoal chicken for lunch and I didn't really have appetite to eat.. After lunch, we went to catch "Hairspray" the movie.. I know this movie have been out really really long ago.. but as you can see.. Uni life in Tassie is simply too overwhelming.. None of us had the time then..
ANyway.. the movie was fantastic.. Just my kind of show.. Highly recommended. Hehehe. and I love the songs.. Ooooooooo..