In the midst of one's busy schedule, one needs to learn how to take some time off doing something therapeutic right?? Well.. as for me, my choice was to bake something.
Digging out my old F & N recipe book, I was abit apprehensive on what could come out of the oven. My first attempt was to make "Scones".. Scones with jam and earl grey tea makes perfect afternoon treats for anyone. Seriously, a bite of the scones with apricot jam and a sip of the earl grey tea will send your senses skywards.
With the help of my housemate, Bernice, we present to you "Scones with dried fruits (Bernice had the honour of having the hands on experience. I just instructed her on what to do)
My next attempt was to make "Victorian Sandwich cake". Well.. I know the name sounds fancy.. but actually its nothing hard or complicated. I was abit too over-confident on the method to used. I took the appropriate proportion of eggs to sugar and started whisking everything up. It was not till Bernice's question on when we should add the butter. It struck me cause I thought this was whisking method and no butter is needed. Oops.. Thank God, the recipe allows for U-turn and I immediately changed the original recipe (creaming method) to whisking.
Slowly, and surely, I am building up my carnivorous plants collection. Yeah.. what do you expect?? I have been keeping them back in Singapore, ordering them from Melbourne twice per year. Using all my bursary money on them and you were expecting me not to keep them while I am here. Nah.. :P
For those loyal readers, you might recognize this plant. Yeah..Its the Venus fly trap "Big Mouth" which I got last year. It is the first carnivorous plant I've in Tassie and it had been through dormancy during winter and rise from the soil. Very soon, it will be entering dormancy soon. This time round, I will repot it and spilt it up. * Notice the young shoots around it??
New plants:
Sarracenia Flava f. red throat
Sarracenia purpurea sp.
Drosera filiformis
Drosera binata var. multifida
Drosera aliciae and Drosera capensis f. green and red.
Yeah.. I am back from the Strahan trip. I must really thank God for His provision and blessings throughout the trip. Our initial target of 25 people was expanded to 30 people due to the overwhelming response. Sadly, we had to turn away people due to limited accomodation. Everyone on this trip were very cooperative (nah... there always got to be one or two). We had to wait for one student who actually stayed on campus and had overslept. Well.. I am not going to give a description for each photo, cause that is going to take too long. Just enjoy the photos :)
Strahan town
Macquarie Head
Unripe black berries (that's why they are still pink)
On board "Lady Jane Franklin II"
Farming of salmon using sea cages; pressurized spray feeding
On the board walk:
Lichen, Linzi???
Pink berries
Sarah's island An island used for holding notorious convicts from England. We soon realized that some of them had criminal records such as stealing of parsley and bread. Hmmmm..
Shipyard built by the convicts:
Water holding area
Punishment cells (6 cells altogether; double storey. The current structure was of course, torn down.
Penitentiary (another holding area for convicts)
My beloved housemates and I at Henty Sand dunes. Would not trade anything else for such housemates... :)