The adventure continues on our Tasman Peninsula trip, as we embark on our main destination, Port Arthur.
This place has many things to be proud of, or should I say "being famous about". Firstly, this place used to be an old prisoner colony, where all the convicts of England are sent to. Many of which form the ancestry line of the current Australians today.
Secondly, the world largest single-man massarce took place right in this place.. A man by the name of Martin Bryant took down 35 lives in a single event during 1996. Interestingly, one of the victims is the uncle of my friend from Malaysia. The guy was on his holiday that day, with his mistress.. Yes...!!
Thirdly, Port Arthur is soon to be classified as a World Heritage site, a recognition shared by famous locations such as the Cradle mountain and Gordan river.
I shan't blabber much further... Let the pictures do the telling of these marvellous place.
Non-functioning Post office in Port Arthur

Some random bell-like flowers... * This is for you Sheng!!!

A close-up look of it.

This is for you... Hao! Don't really need much explanation as to why it was dedicated to you.

Silhouette of 2 parrots on a tree..

The magnificent Port Arthur

Isles of the dead; where the dead were buried.

Feeding time for the gulls..

Another view of some randon structure of Port Arthur

Oooooo.. I like this picture.

Actually, alot of the buildings remind me of Harry Potter.
More on Tasman Peninsula in the next post.. :)