It was great having Er Li around during Christmas time.
Though the weather was bad (raining), and many plans had to be changed (Er Li wasn't in the mood to eat). Nevertheless, I managed to stuffed him with lots of food. Hehehee..
Er Li having his favourite Chicken Pesto pasta at Spaghettis.

Christmas eve at Orchard. I didn't managed to show him much of the christmas decorations too. It was raining!!! Sigh...

Something doesn't change doesn't it.. *Hint: Pose
Er Li posing infront of a christmas tree made out of bears at Takashimaya.

Within the short span of time, my mum grew to become a fan of Er Li. She requested to take a photo with him and was considering him as a son in-law (no prize for guessing to which sister).

After the Christmas lunch at Roland Restaurant, we proceeded to Nurainee's wedding, followed by the Esplanade. There were plenty of food served at the wedding, however, both of us were pretty stuffed up with the food at Roland and could no longer contain anymore. (I realized that Er Li's appetitte had grown smaller by alot).

A shot at esplanade's river front with Lester, Karen, Jowena, Myself and Er Li.
We had a drink at Max Brener's cafe. My iced chocolate drink was AWESOME!!
There were these "white floating wish balls" whereby you could write your wishes on it. I prompted Er Li to write his wishes for Singapore on behalf of Malaysia and guess what he wrote???
"Malaysia wishes Singapore".
I was like .. Errr.. anymore? ...on??
Hahaha.. Cute Er Li..
We sent him off at Harbour front the next day and was teasing him that if my sister and I would visit KL, would he give up his bed to us, just like we do??Hahahaa. and he said yes... Awww.. Missing Er Li liao..