We were asked to draft out a table of potential risks in our lives, as part of the assignment for the module on Risk Management.
So I came out with something this simple....
.And guess what??
The lecturer loves it !!

Anyway, this really set me thinking about the future. What am I am going to do after the end of this year? Should I 1) return back to Singapore, 2) find a job in Australia, 3) continue with my MBA??
As for my current decision, I've decided to make some changes to my plans. I have decided that I shall stop at the Graduate diploma level at the end of this year, find a job and than return to complete my masters after a few years of work. Hopefully, this transitory phase will spur me to do better in this course. Everything is still unconfirmed as of now... "Prayer in Progress".
I'm sure God cares enough to tell me which step to take... Right Daddy?