A period of 3 months after graduation had set me thinking. Without a shadow of doubt, I had my times of wondering whether I made the right decision in rejecting the job offer for me to work in Sydney. Perhaps, I would have been driving my company's car; using my company's mobile and living a life that is going to be very very different from now. "Oh Lord.. I have seek Your Will at a very young age; let me realized that I have listened to the right Voice".
A series of financial issues; a car that is breaking down continously; health problems and etc aren't really what I would have expected to happen during this period of time. Nevertheless, God has shown that He is in control of each and every situation. Surely, He didn't promise a carefree life; but He did promise an abundant one.
Did I mentioned that I have a secured a casual retail job at a salmon shop? Yes.. It's the same company that I did my work experience as a hatchery technician. Though the number of work hours I am given isn't really alot; it does provide me with enough money to pay for our weekly rent. I guess that's what God promised; that He will provide for our needs. (Matthew 5:25).
I must admit that I do feel abit unease at times; why is this happening? "Oh Lord.. Could you just be clearer with your instructions? Didn't you give me the peace when I made the decision to reject the job offer and to continue serving your people in Hobart?
But somehow You seems to remain taciturn about it and had prompted me to continue to seek Your Will and to fixed my eyes on You. You said that everything will fall into place in Your timing and that I need not worry about losing the hours of my life to this constantly spinning world.
Alright....... I give in.
Monday, October 04, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Unknown flowers
Mid-Autumn Festival
If the blog has a voice ..... I am pretty sure it is going to say.. " Why have you abandon me?" LOL! I will try my best to summarize what I have been through from my last post till now.
I graduated from my MBA studies recently and had been looking for a full time job since then. It seems that my job with Tassal has been blowed and I shan't go further into it.
Nevertheless, I am currently working casually with Tassal in their retail shop and has approximately 2-3 days of job per week. Meanwhille, God has been providing for us through mooncake sales. Yes. We are selling mooncakes during the mid-autumn festival and had managed to sell 207 mooncakes in total for this season; raising enough funds to cover for 1.5 months of rent. And to share His faithfulness, the mooncakes sales is continuing despite that the festival is already over.
Making the mooncakes were really hard-earned money; but what's easy in life? We slept less than 3 hours per day for a total of 3 days just to complete the order. Infact, we ran out of ingredients to meet orders for approximately 20 mooncakes. (Not that we didn't forsee the order coming; but rather that the local shops ran out of ingredients).
We finally made it to enjoy our home-made mooncakes using the left over dough from different flavoured mooncakes; one day after the actual festival.

Here are some of my personal favourite photos of the mooncakes we made.
Pandan Snowskin

Rose Snowskin
Greentea Snowskin

Durian Snowskin

Durian Snowskin

Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
HollyBank Nature Reserve, Tasmania had become one of
Joanne and mine's unofficial meeting place.
The quiet and serene environment makes it really conducive for couples to *Ahem*
What were you thinking??? = )
For couples to have a picnic....
Yeah.. I decided to do a table setting for the extra atmosphere...
(I initially planned to have it on the grass).
Sparkling White Grape JUICE..
(In place of white wine cuz I can't take them.. =.=")
Pizza rolls from Baker's Delight + Multi Berry scones * White choc Scones


I like this shot.....

Awwwwwwwwwwww...... -.-"

I decided to be a little adventurous with our pose..
As you can see, I am a better frowner.

I like this shot.....

Awwwwwwwwwwww...... -.-"
I mean stick out the tongue (what were you thinking about???)
But in the end, epic failed.. Joanne decided to smile instead..
But in the end, epic failed.. Joanne decided to smile instead..
SO the picture ended up looking like I am the big bad wolf waiting to lick her, while she waits happily to be licked. (Errr.. Sounds wrong)..
She was happy smiling away while I did my own thing..
Yah right.... That would have ended our existence...
Joanne was teaching me how to capture the toadstoal from an angle.
The shot of it wasn't this nice initially..

Sorry ! I didn't take the time to enhance the photos.
Seriously, we don't look that pale ... = )
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Coincidental or what?! I planted a couple of Okra (Lady's finger) seeds and out of the lot, only 3 survived into adulthood.
I love the shape of the okra leaves.... . Its amazing isn't it!!
It somehow reminds me of a grape vine..
Okra are heat-loving plants and requires warm temperature to grow.
Sadly, the weather is turning cold and they don't seem really happy about it. They have sending out flower buds (an indicator to set seeds for the next season); which I have to trim away in order to preserve their energy. Its not point allowing them to bear fruit when they are only so small. At the same time, their leaves seems to turn yellow and age away every time a 4th leaf is sent out.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Byblis liniflora
I have been trying to grow Byblis for the past few years but wasn't able to achieve any results.
It was either that the seeds were bad or that there weren't any available.
I chance upon this website that shared about different germinating methods for Byblis.
One of them was to burn hay on top of the seeds, which was supposed to trigger them to germinate. The other was to grow them in live sphagnum moss. Apparently, the live sphagnum moss produces some organic compounds that triggers it's germination.
And since I have some live sphagnum moss growing on a glass tray
(I was hoping to create a sphagnum carpet), I decided to sow some seeds on it
Much to my surprise, the seeds germinated.
I was so excited and pleased to be able to glance at these cute little creations of God once again.
Only 2 germinated and grown so far...
I am abit apprehensive for them as winter draws near.

that they(we) will be strong in their(our) shallow pot;
where their(our) roots are too weak to hold....
Be their(our) strength and firm support.
Teach them(us) how to endure O Lord...
to weather the chill and the things they(we) love not;
that they(we) will blossom when spring comes
and reap the reward of their(our) loving God.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Superhero Me
Thursday, April 08, 2010
God gives us a vision, and then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of that vision. It is in the valley that so many of us give up and faint. Every God-given vision will become real if we will only have patience. Just think of the enormous amount of free time God has! He is never in a hurry. Yet we are always in such a frantic hurry. While still in the light of the glory of the vision, we go right out to do things, but the vision is not yet real in us. God has to take us into the valley and put us through fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the point where He can trust us with the reality of the vision. Ever since God gave us the vision, He has been at work. He is getting us into the shape of the goal He has for us, and yet over and over again we try to escape from the Sculptor’s hand in an effort to batter ourselves into the shape of our own goal.
The vision that God gives is not some unattainable castle in the sky, but a vision of what God wants you to be down here. Allow the Potter to put you on His wheel and whirl you around as He desires. Then as surely as God is God, and you are you, you will turn out as an exact likeness of the vision. But don’t lose heart in the process. If you have ever had a vision from God, you may try as you will to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never allow it.
Adapted from the Daily Bread
Over the years, I have met many christians who like to post their supposedly "inspired" devotion materials on their blog (Do not misinterpret, there's nothing with it). Infact, these posts encourages other believers and serves as food for the souls. : ) However, what's more important is the lifestyle and actions of the individual, rather than what's being written or posted.
If I were to flood my entire blog with devotion materials or inspired thoughts; will I appear as more God-focus to you? :) If it does, take a second thought... How many of those that constantly blog about their devotion materials had truly remained faithful in their walk?
Let us learn to encourage one another in this life journey walk with God.
I may fall sometimes, but you can be there to lend me a helping hand; instead of telling me that I have the tendancy of falling and will slow you down in your walk.
Its interesting how God never judges us on our speed but rather on how much we call upon Him for help during our walk.
"And I walk with Him and I talk to Him".
Monday, March 29, 2010
Abundant or not
A lack of blogging activity from me could be suggested by 2 reasons.
Its either that I am too busy or that I have nothing special in my life to blog about.
I rarely like to put up "boring" post..Although this is subjected to personal opinion on what's "Boring".
Anyway, life is back on its full pace in Uni with assignments, tests and revisions. I wouldn't say I am living a meaningless life.. Infact, God has given me an abundant life. YES.. An abundant life... A life that is filled with all of the above... (An abundance of assignments, tests and revisions). Again, this is subjected to personal opinion. *Period
All in all.. My heart, soul and mind scream out for all of these to finish.
I can't wait for the semester to end. I am not expecting high distinctions this semester, though my heart discreetly greed for them. If not, you would probably see me blog more often right.. *Honest
Very often, I try to insert some images into my post as much as I can. As you can tell, I am not some fancy writer; with perfect grammer and profound vocabulary. Neither am I some philospher who is able to provide insightful and provoking thoughts.
BUT.. I do know that living in simplicity is good.
Things like enjoying the last two "Bak Zhang"* that my mum has painstakingly made for us.

Learning to count my blessings. :)
*Rice dumpling.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Dad and Mum
At a glance, it seems like 2 days; in reality, dad and mum were here for 2 weeks. I guess the memories of having dad and mum around will linger on for quite some time.
Over the year 2009, Steph and I were very blessed to be able to play host to many of our friends from Singapore. It was great bringing them around; visiting the marvellous natural creation of God and feeding them with the richness of this land. However, things were different for my parents; they asked not to visit any areas, but instead insisted on staying home to cook and help with house chores and maintenance matters.
Right on the 2nd morning, my dad was found mopping the floor of the living room and corridor at 7.30am. He then progressed to help me with my hot houses, fixed up the watering host, helped with gardening, fixed up my cupboard, helped in washing of dishes, helped with clothes lines and etc. Nothing is left un-fixed with him around. How I wish I am a 'handyman' like him.
Though, we had some minor arguements along the way, it is often settle right on the spot. Dad is different from the rest of the guys that sit beside me while I am driving. He is always on the guard and never fails to alert me in times of need. He doesn't fall asleep during long journeys; like many do and is there to give me pointers on parking. He is also the one that always objects to long journeys; worrying that I might get too tired from the driving. Nevetheless, it doesn't make much sense for them to visit Tassie if they chooses to stay at home. Hence, my answers to his queries on the journey time to each destination are always discounted. He did fixed up quite a fair bit in my house to the state that I don't even feel like moving anymore (Did I mentioned that I actually wanted to move away from this place). Dad also appears happier and more "en-ai" to mum over here. I shall spare you guys the details; go figure out!! :) Sadly, dad had a very bad cough since the first day; which lasted throughout the whole trip. It was partially my fault; as I forgot to feed him water after the pizza dinner on the first night. His knuckles were also swollen for some unknown reason. I can't help but laugh when he went out into the house compound in shorts and polo-tee, followed by his complaints on how cold it was outside.
Mum, on the other hand was on a cooking trip. Seriously....!!!!! She was already on a grocery spree during the first night; buying all the fresh veges and meat she chanced upon. Steph and I had to ensure her that this is only first night and that there are still many days for her to cook. People would expect breakfast to be the first thing in the morning; but it is not the case for mum. After washing up in the morning, she would begin on preparing the ingredients for lunch. It was after the preparation, would she then start her breakfast. And no prizes for guessing what continues after breakfast; she would either be preparing side dishes, or some form of dessert. Green bean with barely, Red bean with dark sugar, Sweet potato with sago; you name it.
Lunch is followed by preparation for dinner. Throughout her trip here, I think the number of hours she spent on preparing food is even longer than her total sleep hours. My housemates were in luck as she prepared dinner for them everynight. Not only that, she also helped to prepare alot of sauces/toppings such as "Fried shallots in oil", "Chilli paste" and "Hei Bi Hiam" (Chilli minced shrimp). I was also privilege enough to learn how to make 'Bak Zhang' (rice dumpling) from her.
Mum was really comical throughout the trip; always making us laugh. Her expressions and words were really funny. For e.g. She loves to go to the casino and requested that I bring her there. And she will go like this: (In Teochew) "After dinner, we go Giordano ok? *Eyes blinking".
I immediately replied: (In Chinese) "Oh! You want to buy clothes at Giordano ah?" Sure!!!" Hahaha. It didn't take long for my housemates to blend in with her. I guess that's where part of my social skills came. One of them even told me that she has been looking forward to come home everyday after work during the past few days. Mum was an entertainer and carer. She made herbal soup for them when they don't feel well, taught them what food to eat and advises them on what not to.
Sadly, my mum was very disturbed by the house. The attic somehow scares her and causes her to fear the house. It did get better as the days passes; as she gets familarized with the place.
Mum was very worried that Steph might get mal-nutrition. She volunteeringly took out the money that dad have given her to purchase salmon fillets for Steph and I. She insisted that I cook fish for Steph on a weekly basis.
One thing that pains my heart during dinner time was watching mum having dinner. Her face always appear choked and red as she takes in the food. Somehow, her throat is unable to take in dry stuff due to the radiation treatment she received many years ago. Rice with gravy is never enough; it must be soft. You could literally see her tears whelming up as she proceed with her dinner. My housemates were at first stunned to see her tears. Each mouthful was a heart wrencher to see. One thing that I have observed during this trip was how mentally strong my mum is.. Seriously. I doubt many of us have the mental will/power to do it. The process of her having dinner is already a living proof. Another eventful process was the making of the 'Bak Zhang'; despite of her right arm paralysis, mum struggles to tie up 20 of the dumplings which are hung at her face level. They can't be hung too low, as this will interfere with the wrapping process. It was a struggle for her to lift her right arm; not to mentioned coordinating with the left hand on completing the rice dumplings. I had the privilege of assisting her in tying the rice dumplings and was considered as her best helper after dad and Steph tried. :p
The saddest moment came this morning when we sent them to the airport. As we were bidding farewell to one another, dad urged Steph to hug mum. Mum refused and burst out crying. Yes.. It was indeed hard to part. Somewhere along the trip, dad shared that this place is not meant for them as the weather was too cold. I had to convince them that it is a matter of getting used to it. I promised them that I will bring them to other states of Australia next year; possibly Brisbane. We'll see.. :)
Over the year 2009, Steph and I were very blessed to be able to play host to many of our friends from Singapore. It was great bringing them around; visiting the marvellous natural creation of God and feeding them with the richness of this land. However, things were different for my parents; they asked not to visit any areas, but instead insisted on staying home to cook and help with house chores and maintenance matters.
Right on the 2nd morning, my dad was found mopping the floor of the living room and corridor at 7.30am. He then progressed to help me with my hot houses, fixed up the watering host, helped with gardening, fixed up my cupboard, helped in washing of dishes, helped with clothes lines and etc. Nothing is left un-fixed with him around. How I wish I am a 'handyman' like him.
Though, we had some minor arguements along the way, it is often settle right on the spot. Dad is different from the rest of the guys that sit beside me while I am driving. He is always on the guard and never fails to alert me in times of need. He doesn't fall asleep during long journeys; like many do and is there to give me pointers on parking. He is also the one that always objects to long journeys; worrying that I might get too tired from the driving. Nevetheless, it doesn't make much sense for them to visit Tassie if they chooses to stay at home. Hence, my answers to his queries on the journey time to each destination are always discounted. He did fixed up quite a fair bit in my house to the state that I don't even feel like moving anymore (Did I mentioned that I actually wanted to move away from this place). Dad also appears happier and more "en-ai" to mum over here. I shall spare you guys the details; go figure out!! :) Sadly, dad had a very bad cough since the first day; which lasted throughout the whole trip. It was partially my fault; as I forgot to feed him water after the pizza dinner on the first night. His knuckles were also swollen for some unknown reason. I can't help but laugh when he went out into the house compound in shorts and polo-tee, followed by his complaints on how cold it was outside.
Mum, on the other hand was on a cooking trip. Seriously....!!!!! She was already on a grocery spree during the first night; buying all the fresh veges and meat she chanced upon. Steph and I had to ensure her that this is only first night and that there are still many days for her to cook. People would expect breakfast to be the first thing in the morning; but it is not the case for mum. After washing up in the morning, she would begin on preparing the ingredients for lunch. It was after the preparation, would she then start her breakfast. And no prizes for guessing what continues after breakfast; she would either be preparing side dishes, or some form of dessert. Green bean with barely, Red bean with dark sugar, Sweet potato with sago; you name it.
Lunch is followed by preparation for dinner. Throughout her trip here, I think the number of hours she spent on preparing food is even longer than her total sleep hours. My housemates were in luck as she prepared dinner for them everynight. Not only that, she also helped to prepare alot of sauces/toppings such as "Fried shallots in oil", "Chilli paste" and "Hei Bi Hiam" (Chilli minced shrimp). I was also privilege enough to learn how to make 'Bak Zhang' (rice dumpling) from her.
Mum was really comical throughout the trip; always making us laugh. Her expressions and words were really funny. For e.g. She loves to go to the casino and requested that I bring her there. And she will go like this: (In Teochew) "After dinner, we go Giordano ok? *Eyes blinking".
I immediately replied: (In Chinese) "Oh! You want to buy clothes at Giordano ah?" Sure!!!" Hahaha. It didn't take long for my housemates to blend in with her. I guess that's where part of my social skills came. One of them even told me that she has been looking forward to come home everyday after work during the past few days. Mum was an entertainer and carer. She made herbal soup for them when they don't feel well, taught them what food to eat and advises them on what not to.
Sadly, my mum was very disturbed by the house. The attic somehow scares her and causes her to fear the house. It did get better as the days passes; as she gets familarized with the place.
Mum was very worried that Steph might get mal-nutrition. She volunteeringly took out the money that dad have given her to purchase salmon fillets for Steph and I. She insisted that I cook fish for Steph on a weekly basis.
One thing that pains my heart during dinner time was watching mum having dinner. Her face always appear choked and red as she takes in the food. Somehow, her throat is unable to take in dry stuff due to the radiation treatment she received many years ago. Rice with gravy is never enough; it must be soft. You could literally see her tears whelming up as she proceed with her dinner. My housemates were at first stunned to see her tears. Each mouthful was a heart wrencher to see. One thing that I have observed during this trip was how mentally strong my mum is.. Seriously. I doubt many of us have the mental will/power to do it. The process of her having dinner is already a living proof. Another eventful process was the making of the 'Bak Zhang'; despite of her right arm paralysis, mum struggles to tie up 20 of the dumplings which are hung at her face level. They can't be hung too low, as this will interfere with the wrapping process. It was a struggle for her to lift her right arm; not to mentioned coordinating with the left hand on completing the rice dumplings. I had the privilege of assisting her in tying the rice dumplings and was considered as her best helper after dad and Steph tried. :p
The saddest moment came this morning when we sent them to the airport. As we were bidding farewell to one another, dad urged Steph to hug mum. Mum refused and burst out crying. Yes.. It was indeed hard to part. Somewhere along the trip, dad shared that this place is not meant for them as the weather was too cold. I had to convince them that it is a matter of getting used to it. I promised them that I will bring them to other states of Australia next year; possibly Brisbane. We'll see.. :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tassie bound
In a couple of hours time, I will be on board in a flight to Tassie. It seems like it is getting harder and harder each year to leave Singapore. Perhaps, it is due to the uncertainties of my plan in Australia; be it whether to work or to study. I know that Lord is in control but I am yet clear of the path. Somehow, the inner man still bears the hope for employment this year instead of the continuation with my studies. Nevertheless, I have re-applied for my MBA and will complete it unless a job offer arise.
The 2nd factor could be due to the people that are left behind in Singapore. The recent news that I've heard from one of my friend sadden me greatly. His dad passed away. All the fears and doubts of having to see your love ones probably the last time ever grips me like a iron hand. My emotions played on me; yet at the same time taught me to pray constantly. I know the Lord will provide a way; just like how he did it for my friend.
The last factor possibly stands at the fact that this could be my last long holiday back to Singapore; considering that I might start work this year.
Nevertheless, let all these factors be left at the feet of God. :)
See you guys in Tassie.
The 2nd factor could be due to the people that are left behind in Singapore. The recent news that I've heard from one of my friend sadden me greatly. His dad passed away. All the fears and doubts of having to see your love ones probably the last time ever grips me like a iron hand. My emotions played on me; yet at the same time taught me to pray constantly. I know the Lord will provide a way; just like how he did it for my friend.
The last factor possibly stands at the fact that this could be my last long holiday back to Singapore; considering that I might start work this year.
Nevertheless, let all these factors be left at the feet of God. :)
See you guys in Tassie.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Jurong Fish Market
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This blog has come to a hiatus due to my return to Singapore. I mustn't associate its inactivity to the life of Singapore. Infact, my return to Singapore this time round has left alot of thoughts on me. Singapore has indeed become too tempting for me; a disturbance to my original plan. "Lord ... Are you speaking to me?"
Every factor seems to point towards the direction of Tasmania. On contrary, every door and window that I know of has been seemingly close. Is God telling me to continue with my Masters. Infact, the idea of postphoning my studies this time round wasn't submitted to God in the first place until much later. In other words, I requested for early graduation and then told God my plan in prayer. Nevertheless, I have repented and ask God for this miracle. This miracle of opening up a door for me to stay on in Tasmania for the next 3 years at least.
Would you join me in prayer?
Just a short update of my life in Singapore.
It started all during a buffet lunch with Eric, Serena, Sherry and Bernice. Sherry asked about the Jurong fish market and Serena exclaimed that she has never been there before and have always wanted to visit the place. Since, I have also never been that before, I decided I should organize a trip together. Sherry, Steph and I stayed over at Eric and Serena's place during one faithful friday night and made our way to Jurong fish market at 3am.
As we drove pass the guard house and enter into the premises, I could feel a sense of excitement surging in my heart as I smell the "fishy" aroma fringing in the air.
"Approaching the fish market"

Baskets of Leather jacket

Vannamei prawns?

Graveyard of stingrays!!!
I saw an auntie wearing the t-shirt.. I thought she was trying to be funny. :p
Eric-kor examining the crabs..
Want to have a pinch of the pincers?
Sherry's basketful of crayfish..
Oooooo.. look at those succulent cray meat.. Can u resist it?

Upon reaching home, we were wondering how to keep Sherry's crayfish as fresh as possible..
We thought it will be good if we were to cook it and then freeze it.
After steaming it, we decided we should try its taste.. :p
And after tasting... ....................................
We thought it is a waste to keep it since it is so fresh.. .
And you should be able to guess the end of the story.

That's the end of our Jurong Fish Market Tour...
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