This is a little shed for family to enjoy the view while having BBQ or even afternoon picnic time.
Another nice view:
It will be a sin not to share this picture. I think the chinese will love it. Talking about rivers and mountains. This picture reminds me of the river description in Ezekiel.
Tasmania Symphonic Orchestral were at the city park on Sat evening. It is an event know as "Symphony Under the Stars", held annually. Look at the conductor all dressed up as a pirate. So much for entertainment value!
It was pitch dark apart from the central stage. In order to capture this picture of the general audience. I had to use the "night mode" which has a slower shutter speed. Hence, the stage which is over-lighted is over-exposed. The whole park were filled with people. Some of them even brought their own tables and chairs. Amazing!
Here are some photos of Zion Hill church:
The front view of Zion Hill church (the church that I'm attending)
A poor picture of the netball court which is beside the church building. Yeah! They have a basketball court right infront of Zion Hill School of worship too.
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