Woke up at 6.15am to get ready for the Hobart trip. Yoke Chye and Edwin were there to picked Sarah and I up at 7am. Vicky's place was the next destination as we made our way to her house. The journey down to Hobart were full of surprises and delights. The landscapes were simply amazing and it really make you meditate on the wonders of God's handcraft. It somehow makes you feel like praising Him as you stand in awe of His creation. "Lord of all creation". There were sights of farms filled with sheeps, goats, cows and horses. Vineyard and orchards were also some of the frequent sights. As we draw nearer to Hobart, we could see a river filled with black swans. Seriously, there was not even a single white one. Haha! The journey took us around 2.5 hours and our first destination was to the Salamanca Market.
There were plenty of things on sale at the market ranging from clothes, souvenirs, plants, food and all. As usual, my focus were only on certain things. Hahaha. I took the tasmanian homemade ice cream, tried the food samples at the food fan-fare and shared tempura mushrooms with Sarah. I missed the Masala Thosai so much that I immediately took the chance to buy the thosai mix as well as the masala paste when I saw them at the spices tent. Cool.. And the best of all they contain no MSG, artificial flavours or colours. Haha. The buy of the day was of course the Venus Fly trap I bought from one of the stores. It cost me only $6 Aussie dollars. Can you beat that in Singapore? Haha.. Sarah went around buying peaches, nectarines and all and gave me one of the peaches. I was reluctant to eat them at first since they were not washed but gave in after much persusion. These were not all for there were also street performances such as live bands, Strings quartets, life statue and plenty more. The coolest of all were the Irish group with their bag pipes.
We had Vietnamese food for lunch and carried on with our adventures.
The harbour located opposite Salamanca market.
Just as we were about to leave for the city. This little Osh Kosh cutie pie caught my eye. He/she was running around, laying on the grass and sleeping by the pavement. Simply adorable. Ohhh.........
Casper, May, Sarah and I went to the city to get Casper and May's Optus line done. Even before we could make our way to the Optus shop, I sensed something brewing in my stomach. I was feeling terrible and had to make my way to the toilet. (I wouldn't elaborate further).
After the wiped down and flush, we continued our journey to the one and only Optus Shop in Tasmania. Yeah! And we passed by the one and only Starbucks in Tasmania too. Haha.
Please do not be mistaken that Tassie is so "Ulu" that they don't even have coffee houses. It is just that the Aussie endorse their homebrand "Gloria Jeans" more than any others. Yeah..
After the short city tour, we divided into different destination. Sarah, Vicky, Edwin and Yoke Chye went to Mount Weillington. (sp?), while Junming, Li Lin, Casper, May and I went to the Island Market. There were so many types of vegetables and meat on sale. I got myself some red snapper fillet and plenty of vegetables. After it, we made our way to "Big W" supermart and I was told that a "Big W"branch will be opened at Launceston at the end of this year. Yeah! "Big W" is this supermart that sells almost every thing at super cheap prices. Literally cheaper than any other departmental stores. The best deal was of course the connecting green house stores with its wide range of plants. Haha...
We joined the other group for dinner at one of the Korean restaurant. And since the restaurant was next to Wing & Co; an Asian grocery store. We bought all that we ever need before we proceed on with dinner. Dinner was really good and I enjoyed my "Kim chi fried rice" with the extremely delicious side dishes. I finally got to eat my first "tau gay" after 3 weeks. Yeah.. My favourite.. hahaa..
And no.. No giddy spells after eating the Korean food. It was good. Authentic Korean food. Yummy!
As we make our way home, I took a car-eye view snapshot of the full moon that night.
Half way back, I received a call from Yoke Chye stating that their car is running of petrol. We were hoping that they will be able to make it back to Launceston. The petrol meter went below zero and they were forced to stop at Perth. The closest town to Launceston. Bummer!!!
Junming sent all of us back before making his way to the only 24 hours petrol station in Launceston to get some petrol for the other group. I reached home and was surprised to find Er Li (a chinese from Malaysia) in the living room. He then explained that he had swap room with Yang (the guy from Hobart; read the previous post to know more about him). Sarah was trapped with the rest and could only come back at 11 plus. Poor gal.. what an experience for her!
I was exhausted and had to sleep for church service the next morning. Brent came at 9.30am to picked me even though He had to work after sending me off to church. Such a Saint!
The worship service at church today was excellent. The best I had so far. We had plenty of free praise and worship and I could sense the presence of God filling the place. People starting jumping and dancing in Liberty as God set them free from their burdens.
I took a ride home from a African family today. It was a family of three; husband, wife and 20 month-old son. The husband is a 2nd year student in UTAS doing sociology. They were at least in their late 20s, if not early 30s.
Yoke Chye and Edwin called to ask whether I would like to go to KMart. I didn't have any thing to buy but thought it will be good opportunity to help Er Li get some cockerys and so I asked them whether I could call Er Li along. It was fun as they did their shopping while I gave my advice on the different cockerys and prices. Edwin was wondering why I could remember the prices at different shops. Hahaa. Honestly, it comes naturally. I feel like an aunty.. LOL! "Pa sa kong"! That's what May called me.. Hmmmm. Hahaa.
I cooked fried Tang Hoon for dinner tonight. I thought it was delicious and could be sold in the restaurant. Muahaha. Restaurant standard---- could be improved though.
After dinner Sarah suggested that we explore the indoor swimming pool. Er Li lead the way and to find that it is closed on weekends. We made our way back to the communal room to have a game of table tennis and pool. And here am I rattling on the keyboard to report on my life to you.
So.. till then.. Tata..
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