Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Trip

Church service was good today. I thank God for enabling me to accomplish my essay draft. There are still alot of revision to catch up though. The Koreans made dinner tonight. It was yummylicious! We ate "Dduk Bok Ki", a dish made out of rice cakes with spicy sauce. It tasted abit like curry vegetables. Sarah's first attempt in making a cake turn out bad. The whole cake was burnt. Seriously, the oven has been abit cranky for the past week. Sigh.. Poor gal.. I hope she is not affected by it. It's her 21st Birthday tomorrow and the cake was meant for celebrating her birthday. We had roast chicken that I bought from Woolworths "closing-hour"sale for $3.50. The original price was $11 plus. What a steal. I bought 2; freezed one and ate one the next day for lunch and dinner. Hehee.. Junming and gang got 2 of the birds. The poor lady behind the queue was left with a scrawny, one drum-stick missing bird. She was abit turn-off by our "kiasuism". Hahaha...

I will be away for Easter trip the next 2 days. 24 of us are going to Maria island and the east coast. There will be students from multi-nationals even though the trip was planned by SSA.(Singapore Student Association) Please pray for journey mercies and favours.. :)

Anyway, I heard a good news from my sis that my dad has accepted Christ in church today. He has decided to attend church every sunday. Praise God! My childhood wish and life-time prayer had been answered partially. Now for my mom and gramps... Saints of God! Pls pray!

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