Well.. Time does really flies.. In 2 days time, I will be returning back to Tassie. I must say the times spent in Singapore had both its ups and downs. Nevertheless, I thank my family, friends and acquaintance for all their love and company provided. This week might be my last week, but its definitely my best and busiest week ever. Lunch and dinner appointment for almost every single day. Can you imagine it?? Goodness, I feel bloated.. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed myself.
Anyway, here are some photos taken for some of the events.
Thanks Uncle Mark, Aunty Violet and Aunty Janet for all the food, time and company. It was truly enjoyable and I enjoyed every single second of it. Looking at the photos, makes me want to re do that all over again. Hahaha. To be honest, I was craving for durian for the longest time. Hence, when you mentioned durian, it struck the jackpot.. Hehehe...

Hey Brother.. Duwian.. (Dwayne).. Opps.. Happy Birthday to you..
Hence, for your sake, I decided to use my not so creative creativity to create this poster for you.. Hahaha.. My "pu tao" xiong di.. (Grape brothers ).. Below are the edited lyrics..

Last, here are some photos which I really like.. Pure innocent photos..especially when children are in it. Look at baby Gabriel (Mark and Faith's product) Isn't he adorable. Never underestimate the child's weight by his size.. Goodness..It must be the genes.
Not forgetting Eliz... arghhh... One more shot with her.. I fell in love with her.. Can you imagine a full grown girl looking like that.. Which guy can resists right? So sweet la. Haha. Her eyes are like stars in the sky, if I cut it into million pieces, it will make the sky so fine. LOL!
And then...we have our 2 adorable brothers going to Perth for their studies. I will miss them, even though I will be away too. Muahahaa.. I guess I might visit them one day. Hmmm.. $700 return ticket.. Abit costly lor.. :p
