I didn't really have much time to take photo at every hour, cause the stupid fish decided to mate when I was about to leave the house for Karen Koh's birthday. Sigh. Nevertheless, I will try it again next time.
"T" stands for the number of hour(s)
At T0, the small little bubble at the side of the egg looks like "polar body extrusion". However, upon on a second look, I felt that it might just be a bubble. Hahaha.. Not sure la.. I am not a embyronic expert.. yet.. LOL!
At T1, nothing much had changed.
A T6, you will be able to notice a few small oil globules around the blastomere. This provides the egg with the required buoyancy to stay upright.
At T12, eye spot development took place.
At T22, pigmentation of the eye and spinal cord development was observed.
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