No signs of bananas in sight??? Well....They had been converted into an array of banana confectionary.. This time round, all my housemates were involved in the baking process. As usual, I am the instructor and they are the chef... In order to be time-efficient, we had to spilt up our work mah... so we decided to make 2 items or more at one time.
The first dish: Banana muffins
Wait a minute, these isn't the first dish.. Our first dish was suppose to be Steamed banana cake but it turned out badly cause I mis-read the amount of oil needed from 37g to 378...Yes.. Imagine eating a piece of cake soaked with oil.. Well.. That was exactly my housemate's expression when he first tasted the oil-soaked cake.. (We threw it away of course)
Well.... All these were made to last for 3 days but 3/4 of it didn't survive over a day. The rest got whalloped up the next day. Teehee...
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