I remembered those words from Sheng when he gave me the gift during my 1st year in Tassie. "It reminds me of you when I see it". What an honour!! Aren't all God's children referred as sheeps.. and He being the chief Shepherd looks and tend after His flocks.. What an amazing kind Shepherd we have!!
But at least it gets to sleep beside me .. :P
By the way, the lamb isn't supposed to look that depressed.... or maybe it is.. hahaha..
Next.. ... This sneaky little fellow sneaked into my luggage without me knowing it... and the culprit gulity of it is still back in Singapore.....
No... I am not referring to Mas...
It's Stephanie..... Thanks for the carebear even though I already knew you care!
Doesn't it look happy on the rainbow..?? (eh.. almost a rainbow la..)
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