Tuesday, August 04, 2009


The stressful life has caught up with me once again.
2 assignments this week, 2 tests next week.
I think this course is simply ridiculous.
To make the matter worse, I've lost my motivation to study this semester.
Blame it on the Final Semester Syndrome. (I am not sure where I heard this from)
Anyway, no excuse, I will just try my best.
Anyway, something interesting to show you guys.
Coinciding with the screening of Harry Potter and the half-blood prince currently,
our tutor highlighted a pair of owls (mother and child) roosting on top of a nearby tree to our classroom. I was told that the baby owl seems matured enough to fly away and will soon leave its mother to begin its own life. I was fortunate enough to take a photo with both of them inside before the child flew away 2 days after this photo was taken.

There aren't much to see as owls are nocturnal creatures and possibly explain why their heads are tucked in. However, I managed to catch a glimpse of them turning their heads 360 degrees.

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