Monday, March 29, 2010

Abundant or not

A lack of blogging activity from me could be suggested by 2 reasons.
Its either that I am too busy or that I have nothing special in my life to blog about.
I rarely like to put up "boring" post..Although this is subjected to personal opinion on what's "Boring".
Anyway, life is back on its full pace in Uni with assignments, tests and revisions. I wouldn't say I am living a meaningless life.. Infact, God has given me an abundant life. YES.. An abundant life... A life that is filled with all of the above... (An abundance of assignments, tests and revisions). Again, this is subjected to personal opinion. *Period
All in all.. My heart, soul and mind scream out for all of these to finish.
I can't wait for the semester to end. I am not expecting high distinctions this semester, though my heart discreetly greed for them. If not, you would probably see me blog more often right.. *Honest
Very often, I try to insert some images into my post as much as I can. As you can tell, I am not some fancy writer; with perfect grammer and profound vocabulary. Neither am I some philospher who is able to provide insightful and provoking thoughts.
BUT.. I do know that living in simplicity is good.
Things like enjoying the last two "Bak Zhang"* that my mum has painstakingly made for us.

Learning to count my blessings. :)

*Rice dumpling.