Thursday, July 01, 2004

I'm 21!!!!

Well.. a little update.. I didn't make it for SI..but no regrets as I have enjoyed myself. The confidence I have built on from this experience will help me go a long way. The compliments and comments I had from the judges were good and constructive and I like most of it. Though Ken Lim said something funny.. "something like your voice is not warmed up... and you didn't sing with enough dynamics.
" Well.. boy.. he must know that the audition was held at 10am ...How long does it takes a professional singer to warm up... ??? The answer is 8 hrs...... Sigh.. Anyway.. I didn't even bother to argue with him... Hhahaha.. So I guess its kinda not his fault.. since he is not a musically inclined person.. unlike Dick and Douglas..

Wow... Time flies.. I am already 21... officially on the 30th of June. Can u believe that!!??? Well.. I must say that I have alot to thank God for..... the party, the friends, everyone, each and every situation he sent along my way. I thank Him for helping me to grow and to be closer to Him each day. I had a wonderful birthday party that day... reallie enjoyed myself very much... Dwayne helped with the games, mc and crowd control, Alison with the designs and decorations and aunty Ivy with the cake and buffet... and everyone who played a part in my special that will always remain as sweet memories to me.