Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tassie bound

In a couple of hours time, I will be on board in a flight to Tassie. It seems like it is getting harder and harder each year to leave Singapore. Perhaps, it is due to the uncertainties of my plan in Australia; be it whether to work or to study. I know that Lord is in control but I am yet clear of the path. Somehow, the inner man still bears the hope for employment this year instead of the continuation with my studies. Nevertheless, I have re-applied for my MBA and will complete it unless a job offer arise.

The 2nd factor could be due to the people that are left behind in Singapore. The recent news that I've heard from one of my friend sadden me greatly. His dad passed away. All the fears and doubts of having to see your love ones probably the last time ever grips me like a iron hand. My emotions played on me; yet at the same time taught me to pray constantly. I know the Lord will provide a way; just like how he did it for my friend.

The last factor possibly stands at the fact that this could be my last long holiday back to Singapore; considering that I might start work this year.

Nevertheless, let all these factors be left at the feet of God. :)

See you guys in Tassie.