Tuesday, January 23, 2007

3 Weeks More

Time just seems to pass so fast. I still have plenty of things left undone. My room to clear, my luggage to pack, my fish to sell, my plants to clear, friends and love ones to meet up with and so many unlisted stuff. God's blessing has been really overwhelming, both in church and out of church. He remains faithful to His word and I know that I can lean on Him. I am currently engaged to teach one of the primary school on "Fish Breeding" How interesting it is !! I thank God for the opportunity to teach, the experience to learn and the money to keep. LoL! Though I was pretty reluctant initially due to all the stress I had to managed with. I thank God that He had pathed out a way for me. Well... This friday will be my last lesson. It is indeed not easy being a teacher. All the shouting and talking had injured my voice. Hopefully, I will be able to recuperate as I feed on berries and honey in the land of Tasmania. Haha!
This will be a time of rejuvenation for me. Both physically and spiritually!

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