Thursday, April 10, 2008


How many actually know that the sedentary oysters you ate were once motile???

Here's a video of the Pacific oysters at the veliger stage (oyster larvae)which I took during my work experience at "Shellfish" culture" last year.

Next question, how many truly enjoy eating oysters raw? Do you actually know what goes into your mouth? And what do you think makes it an aphrodisiac food item?

ANS: Well...Just before you enjoy that cup of raw oyster with lemon during your buffet next time. Pause for a moment and recollect your thoughts on what gave that unique creamy taste.. Look carefully and you will notice that the bulk of the oyster is made out of Gonads, which are literally made out of sperms and eggs. Hence, I believe that's the reason why it is considered an aprhodisiac food.. Hmmmm..

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