Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fish from God

We decided to stop over at the Fish n' Chips shop

for a quick lunch after our grocery shopping at Woolies..

Steph and I felt that the portion of chips given tend to be little overwhelming for Asian appetite, so we decided to order 2 sets of fish and 1 medium chips this time round;

instead of the usual 2 set meals.

While being in the queue, I saw the waiter serving this chinese aunty, whom I believe was either from Singapore or Malaysia (from the ascent). She was demanding for some tabasco sauce and a variety of other sauces in a rather commanding tone. Then I was pretty sure she was from Singapore liao.. Our authoritative voices and demanding attitude,
of which nationality could match.

We were told to take a seat while the food will be served to us shortly.

Steph surprised me with a gourmet magazine that I was eyeing for.. . Oooo. Thanks Girl... I was so tempted by the cover dish la.."Beef and dumplings".

As I was flipping through the magazines and salivating over the pages *literally.

The waiter came with 2 plates of ........................"SEAFOOD platter".

I looked at it with amazement, paused, and then told him reluctantly that it was not ours.

He walked away and this time round, I was telling that Steph that if we would have kept quiet and take a bite out of any of the crumbled prawns, crumbled scallops, fresh oyster, seafood sushi roll, crumbled calamari rings, crumbled fish, fresh prawn, smoked salmon, chips OR salad, the whole plate will be ours.. *Grin.

Then Steph said "And the waiter will need to pay" and we both nodded.

The waiter returned again with the 2 plates of seafood platter and said

"The chef made a mistake with the order, these are yours. Enjoy"

Both of us looked at each other in amazement and looked at the waiter and smiled.."Thanks"

Steph and I felt really blessed.. We were happy snapping photos away, when the waiter came and asked us whether we know how to speak in chinese? And I replied.


and he replied "你们有福了. 这一盘是二十五块".

On top of that, we were served the plate of medium sized chips that we ordered.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Weeeeeeeee....

Steph and I had a hard time finishing all the food.

We would be a glutten to even start on the extra plate of chips.

We had to "Ta pau" the chips back la..

Yoke Chye and Linda came to visit us and bought lots of goodies and those gifts behind left from Eric and Serena. Thanks guys.. Luv Ya..: )

The most amazing thing was ..... Linda was actually carrying a snow man head which they made from the snow on Mt Wellington. Wa lau eh.. Steph and I couldn't stop laughing... It was super hilarious. Ta Da....

Yoke chye was so nice la.. He bought a packet of gourmet dark chocolate from the chocolate factory.. Wa Liew... Stress therapy pills..

I can't imagine myself being in the midst of exams.. It doesn't feel like one la.. Wahahaa..

What a day..

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