Sunday, October 05, 2008


all I can remember is people telling me that you "are over-loaded", "have too much on your plate", "got too involved", "stressed yourself up too much".

These words seem to resonate within my thoughts as I looked at the array of tasks presented before my very stuffed-up, blood-shot veiny eyes.

I am convinced that I have sufficient sleep, perhaps not enough to be qualified as a beauty sleep.

Nevertheless, I know that God will enable me and pull me through this final 4 weeks; 2 weeks of assignments and 2 weeks of exams.

By then, I will be free... FREE!!! Free???

Eh.. not exactly.. You see.. I got myself involved in planning for the "End-of-2008 International night". It's basically a ball night, but as usual, the word "ball" might sound too grandeur for people to attend. For some girls, it might even sound like a soccer match or something.

You guys might be laughing now.. !! But that's the comments from some of the students.. Yeah.!!

Basically, the whole planning committee only have 1 month to arrange for the whole ball. Which basically includes everything from caterers, venue, performance, lucky draws, theme, decor, tickets, publicity, funding, sponsorships, and all that you can simply imagine for a ball night..

Yah... I miss out one.. Dance music.!! And the genera?

The ball is just one day after my last paper.. Now.. tell me how am I going to head the whole thing when it's only one day after my last paper??? *Faintz..

On the bright side, God has been really really good to me.

1. The funding of $2000 that I've applied through TUU was approved on Friday.

2. The poster and tickets design were settled on Thursday, printed on Friday and put up on Saturday. Before I carry on, I must thank God for such a lovely cousin in-law, who so willing took up the last minute request from me. Thanks a million Shuzhen.. !!! You are the best cousin-in law I have!!!!

3. Many other blessings, demonstrating God's hand upon the project. Woohoo!!

There are so many things to do after exams, find a house in Hobart, go fishing, watch drama, sing with Joanne, visit more places in Tasmania, find a job and earn some money and the list goes on....

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