Sunday, July 12, 2009

PTL for the results

I usually don't blog about my results, but I find this neccesary as I have promised to give God the glory. I recalled labouring through the past few months, wanting to give up on what I am studying as I simply have no pre-knowledge on business administrative subjects and doing a post-graduate course on it was not really a very good idea. To the point of desperation, I cried out to God and told Him that my results for this semester would clearly demonstrate that my results for all these years was a result of His faithfulness to me. People might say that Aquaculture is a course which I am interested in and have prior knowledge on it and thus was able to score well, and that perhaps I was simply regurgitating out all I have memorized for the exams. On the contrary, the business administration course was pretty much assignments-based and tested one's critical thinking abilities and project-planning skills.
Seriously, I was in the verge of breaking down and was afraid of failing this course. Nevertheless, God granted me on what I asked and surprised me with high distinctions and distinctions for this semester. Glory to Him alone..

Not forgetting to thank Steph for helping me with the housework during the period of time and to Cheryl for preparing dinner during my exam period. You are a great chef!!! Have confidence in yourself.

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