Friday, July 20, 2007


It's first week and we already have 4 assignments. 2 due next week and the other 2 the following week. What's the rush? Why does UTAS have longer school term and shorter holidays as compared to other Universities in Australia? What difference will it make to the reputation of the school? Arghhh.... SO much stuff to do.. so little time. I am overwhelmed.. Guys... pls pray!

On a happier note, today's practical session was really interesting. We get to observe egg stripping and milting of Rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss. The eggs were orange in colour and the milt (sperms of the fish) were whitish. We also get to see the extraction of milt from the gonads of neomales (Females that expressed male characteristics through hormone treatment) Neomales lack a sperm duct and the only way to extract the sperm was to extract the gonads and slice it apart in order for the milt to be released. The eggs and milt were then mixed together to allow fertilization. Fertilized eggs were mixed with water and allowed to harden for 10 minutes before they are placed in the incubator.
Yeah.. miss out a point.. Before mixing the milt with the eggs. We are suppose to test the viability of the milt by mixing the milt with some ovarian liquid before looking at it under the microscope. It was really interesting, cause the initial milt just look like powder under the microscope. Upon adding the ovarian liquid, the sperm cells spring into life and begin moving. You can literally see the white dots moving in spirals.. Amazing!!!

Ok.. enough of updates..
Guys.. pls keep me in prayer.. and ask God to help me to pull through these few weeks. The house is almost done apart from my room and the some part of Er Li's room and the living room. I still have not unpack most of my stuff.. and it is still in a "War-torn" state. My car is down and I will need to send it for repair tomorrow. Pls pray for cheap and good price. My assignments are due next week.. Pls pray that I will be able to finish it .....


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