Sunday, July 22, 2007

to church

I tried hard... really hard.. Called up Brent, Greg, Angelia and Sameh but to no avail. I thought I will just called it a rest day and read my bible by myself on a sunday morning. I will conduct my own service. Nevertheless, I gave a Victor a call, knowing that I shouldn't bother him cause he has a 9 month old son. And of course, he came and picked me up. During the praise session, I couldn't hold back my tears and begin weeping. All the burden and trouble that bottled up recently begin to empty itself as I sang praises to God. My heart was overjoyed and my tears; an expression of the grace and love He had for me. It felt funny....though it had happened upteem times. The burdens were flowing up one way and His love in the other. Scientifically, it is known as exhalent and inhalent.
When I came back.. I was determined to get my room unpacked and tidy up. Finally, I have done it and I did a fare bit of research tonight. I'm almost ready to type my assignment tomorrow.. Just a bit more information will do.. !! Oh Lord.. !

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