Sunday, March 11, 2007


Getting to church has been getting harder each day. Transport is the major issue and infact the only so far. Thank God for Brent that faithfully picks me up every sunday morning! However, going back home is another issue since most of them prefer to fellowship after service. Their fellowship is pretty different from ours as in the duration of it. Each fellowship session can last up to 3-4 hours and I being a student, finds it ridiculous to be spending that amount of time.
The hopeless transport system didn't help much either. The frequency of weekend buses are much lower. I was caught in such a situation today. Jenny dropped me in the city today and the earliest bus was at 3pm. I was hungry and hopeless. I tried calling people that I know but none was free to pick me up. Moreover, I'm sure they are starting to get tired of me being stuck all the time. (I'll be, if I'm them) So once again, I had to rely on God's intervention. I was about to walk back when Jun Ming called and asked me to wait at one of the shops in the city. Thank God for May to the rescue. She was making her way to Jun Ming's place (close to where I'm staying) and picked me up. I can't imagine my day without her. Option 1: Wait till 3.10pm. or Option 2: Walk back (which will take me an hour or more)

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